By Berita Nibigira
Land of opportunity,
Freedom for all,
Melting pot huh, where should I begin?
See, I have lived your dream and your illusion.
I have realized your democracy and democrazy.
I have identified your strengths and your weaknesses.
I have witnessed your compassion and your brutality.
I have noticed your honesty and your hypocrisy.
I have observed your potential and your hindrances.
Your greatness and possible demise.
I have experienced your joy and your sorrow.
I have embraced your acceptance and your rejection.
I have seen your best and your worst.
Still, I embrace all of you,
I choose you over and over again.
As you continue to contribute to my self-actualization,
I pledge allegiance to the flag, I too shall persist in pitching in to help you reach your fullest potential.
Your Beloved Adopted Daughter
Bertha Nibigira